Sunday 22 August 2010

wooopp wooop !!

so i realised that the reason im haveing so mutch trouble sticking to my diet is because i have nothink to do if for i nw that sounds wierd but its true so im gona start saving to go to this awesome snow resort called rudechalets and im planning on going like this time next year and i want to be fit and healthy because there is no way im gonna be able to go down any skiing hill this size so thats it im gonna try and loose wieght for that im so excited . so im gonna start fresh with an open mind starting from tommor morning first thing and im gonna try and work out every day and watch what i eat xxx

so im gonna turn from fat cow


Saturday 21 August 2010


hey all you bloggers so today im still on my diet n its goin fab i feel fine so i woke at a time that was quiet late so lets just say i woke up had 2 slices f brown bread with a big glass of juice for brunch lol and then for my tea i had a cod with creamy sauce and it was only 116 cals awesome so today has went good just hope i can stick it out for the rest of the day with out giving in to my cravings and then i can stick it out for weeks to come xxx doing great x havent worked out yet but will do tonight  
meet the futur me x oh yer lol x

Thursday 19 August 2010

there is a skinny girl inside me but i just sut her up wid cake lol xx

so its day 2 n im nt really feeling anythink but its stil early days and ive decided to look over all of the old photos to look for pictures of me when i was younge and skinny for insipration. i think its a good thing lol x but laterly ive felt rather down ive always heard the saying hit the gym fat kid now that is a heartfull word but ya get over it but i dnt think peoeple realise how hard it is to loose wieght because after so mutch bingeing and eating over all the years it piles up and its not like its gonna fall of so you have to really applie yourself and make sure you do it right so this time im planning what i eat and im gonna be taking pictures of some of my meals and progressing my wieght to share with you so i not only i can see the progretion but so can you xx

thats ittt

ok so ive told you that im gonna diet again and i hough id failed because i eat ice crream but i havent but i really just didnt think i could do it and ive realised that i eat weather im hungry or not so i have decided that this is it im gnna do it this time and im gonna have fun doing it so for all you dieters out there you can do if i can lol xxxxx


hey all u bloggers so its day to and ive already failed but tommors another day and it always an oppitunity to start my diet again but i though that if i blogged abut it then it would be easier and i do have the target at the end of it but i suppose i carnt really belive in my self to do it i keep thinking that if i think i can do it and if i can trick my body in to doing it then ill be ok.. yer that didnt work out i suppose i just need sme tips really so if you have any please comment and leave them the more the better ....... thank you xx

Wednesday 18 August 2010

'DAY 1'

so today is the day i beggin my diet n so far so gd i woke up at a gd time today lol x i woke had my breakfast cleaned my room and then crawled the web and after about an hour of searching i descovered a few good tips on how to loose weight n dont worry most of them are wat we do in a usal day any way. the first tip i found was from paris hilton ok yes shes skinny and she is on a diet god knows y lol xbut her tip was that if you drink a small glass of water dead fast minutes before you sit dnt to eat you feel fuller and even if you do want mre food you body will tell you its full....the second tip is drink coffe now this one i didnt like the sound of it sed that if you drank coffe every day it effects your eating patten and how mutch food you can cosume but you have to have it with no sugar and a little milk and if you do decide to use this tip then try splenders sweeternes they have no calories n try skimmed milk ya never no lol x i probally wount try this one though because coffe can give u a caffinne addiction n i dnt think i can handel one of them right now lol .. and the last tip was if you find your self tepted to binge eat around the nite time wait 15 minus it sed that if you wait 15 minuts then you body would of probably forgot that it was hungry and you could try writing down all the foods you want at that moment and then destroy it lol x

but my tip is if you find yourself wanting food just think to yourself am i really that hungry or can i wait untill my next meal and if you cant grab an apple its mutch better than a bag of crisps.. and keep your self busy do sumthink to take your mind of it e.g. excersise .. clean .. read .. draw..paint ... even if its just txtin your mate do sumthink to take your mind of being hungry xxx have fun blogging and remember big girls we are beautiful xxxx :) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday 17 August 2010


fat... fat .. big boned ... puppy fat .... blobby .... chunky ... chubby... wobolly... OMG you can call it wat you want but at the end of the day its still fat and its still there. but over the years i have actually came to the conclustion that i hate the word FAT with a passion i dnt think peopel realise that fat can be really affensive and it nocks your cofidence level so mutch but when your like me and you hear it all the time you learn to not listen to it and you just ignore it. and for years i have tried to not be fat but never have i tried to loose weight for me ive always tried to do it for the benifits of others and yet you allways find that the people hu call you fat r the ones with the seriouse problems lol. but today is a new day and i have decided that i dnt want to be fat any more and this time im nt doing it for all the peopel out there im doing it for me and even with me just saying that im doing it for me i feel like ive already occomplished sumthink. and if your like me and you have tried to loose weight for the benifet of others this time dnt do it for your self . and remember ... big girls we are beautiful.. xx :) :) :)


hey all you bloggers and todays talk is ' perfection ' so what is perfection seriously it can be diffrent to other peopel most peopel think that being stick thing is perfect but it not its only perfect to thosse who want t be it. but there are other girls all over the world hu are fat and trust me ask half of them and i bet you they all say i wouldnt change the way i am for nothink. ok im not saying that i wouldnt like to be a little fat in acouple of places but wat can you do. i would rather be fat and happy then be thin and unhappy. i bet you if you ask most of the skinny girls out there they would say im so unhappy with the way i look i want to loose more and more weight trust me they never stop being obsessed with the way they look so just think wat is your idea of perfection and even if it is to be thin go about it the right way. And remeber big girls we are beautiful

Tuesday 10 August 2010

hey everyone

by now i hope you have all looked around my blog and if you havent then you should lol. i have a great idea that i can change the way peopel think about there self. all you need to know is how to dress and shop for yourself and how to look good but remember feeling good always starts from the inside clothers just give you a boose of self if your big and you dnt like the way you look just remember big girls have attituedes and heeps of confidence.and always remember you dont have to be thin to be fabulose !!!!